Wednesday 27 July 2016

Best Cordless Phones For Seniors Hard Of Hearing 2016

Cordless Phones For The Elderly – Top 3 In 2015 – 2016

It is not only the youth that modern technology benefits but also the elderly and seniors too. When at that age, you want the best possible device for your money. You really don’t need any of the fancy features, just the essential features that are enhanced.

The top 3 phones we review today are build with pensioners in mind. Keeping in mind all of the essentials and no frills.


BT 4500 Review – Our Number 1

With large buttons and an incredibly user-friendly interface, The BT 4500 is one of the best wireless phones for a senior. Here are some of its best features;

  • Large LCD screen which clearly displays all numbers, contact names calling as well as the other notifications such as answer phone message, text message, missed calls etc.
  • Large clear buttons to make dialling easy. They are back-lit so dialling in the dark is equally as accurate as during the day
  • A sleek and attractive design to look trendy
  • Block nuisance calls with the Call Control feature. When most of us retire, we are targeted by sales and marketing agencies who are a nightmare to deal with. With this great feature, it automatically blocks their calls and only lets in the numbers that you have approved
  • Choose which type of numbers you would like to block. They will automatically be put through to the answer machine, so even if it was an important call, you will get notified.
  • Block up to 10 numbers
  • Save up to 100 contact names and numbers in the telephone directory
  • Hands free speaker to talk on the phone while doing other things
  • Answer machine functionality. This allows you to record up to 60 minutes of voicemail messages
  • See how many voice messages you have directly on the dock or on the handset
  • Access answer phone message while away so to make sure you don’t miss anything urgent
  • Call whisper so you can hear who is calling you before you answer
  • Improved audio performance on the newly designed “ear-bowl”
  • 30 number redial list and a 50 number call list
  • Great mobility with a 50m indoor range and a 300 meter outdoor range, so you can be relaxing in your garden while chatting away on the phone
  • Conference calling
  • Call transfer
  • Internal calling (if you have multiple handsets)

Overall The BT 4500 is a very good choice for the retired persons as it is extremely easy to use. With large buttons and a large clear readable screen as well as the Call Control feature to block nuisance unwanted calls makes this model the easy choice.


Geemarc Photodect Review – Number 2

Another very good phone and specifically aimed at the seniors who do not have very good vision. It has some great features and another one which is user friendly. Lets take a look at The Photodect;

  • 10 Preset memory function on the dock with the ability to insert pictures directly on the buttons. This eliminates the room for error and miss-dialling. A very clever feature!
  • Loud ringer volume – which is adjustable. (Up to 22dB)
  • A 5 level ringer function, giving you a choice of up to 10 different ringtones
  • Phone book capability of up to 50 numbers.
  • Speaker phone capability so you can speak on your phone completely hands-free

No frills, an extremely simple device to use. With the picture buttons, you simply lift up the receiver and press a button. This product is ideal for those with a mild hearing loss as the volume goes up to 22dB, large back-lit buttons and it consists of large buttons on the handset itself as well as the picture buttons on the dock.


MaxCom MM461 Number 3

The MM461 from MaxCom is another very well designed phone and one aimed at the seniors hard of hearing (and sight). It has some very useful features as well as some advanced complimentary features. Lets take a more detailed look at The MaxCom MM461;

  • Big and clear buttons on the handset making for easier dialling with accuracy
  • SMS feature – so you can receive and read your text messages
  • Loud customisable volume
  • Torch feature, very handy when walking around in the dark or even ambient light
  • Bluetooth feature
  • Desktop stand for easy storage
  • Vibration feature – in case you need to turn your ringer down but would still want to be notified of calls / messages
  • Voice command of the outgoing call number – so to confirm who you are calling is who you are intending to call
  • Calculator – it’s always nice to have one handy!
  • FM Radio
  • SD Card slot to store further numbers etc.

As you can see, this model is a little different to its peers in the list but does have some useful features. It is still aimed at the elderly with features like the large buttons, loud volume and voice command but lacks some of the other features such as call blocker. All in all, it is definitely one to consider, if nothing else, then for its unique features like the torch, FM radio calculator.



The clear winner in the review is The BT 4500. BT know exactly what their customer wants through decades of research. They also have a good control of the telephone lines, so in essence, they provide a start to finish solution.

It is the smart call blocker features from BT that enables it to stand out from the crowd.  The 4500 has some other great features too such as the call whisper and enhanced audio. It is features like this, along with the build quality that makes it our number 1 cordless phone for seniors hard of hearing.

Read more about Best Cordless Phones For Seniors Hard Of Hearing 2016 on Reviewing The Best Cordless Phones.

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