Wednesday 7 June 2017

Why Buy Cordless Phones Over The Corded Type

Cordless Vs Corded Phones

Corded and cordless phones are land line phones, i.e. they require a physical connection via wire or cable in order to connect with other phones. Cordless phones are mobile phones in the sense that they are mobile and they are phones, but they are not used for texts, social media or internet browsing.

Even though these types of phones may seem a little dated and a lot of people use their mobile phones pretty much exclusively, many homes still come with a phone line which you may as well make the most of. Land lines can be a lot cheaper to make calls on and if you’re trying to save money or go back to basics then a landline is a viable option which you may choose to use alongside your mobile or perhaps even instead of your mobile.

Land line phones come in both corded and cordless varieties. Cordless phones were all the rage before mobile phones really took off as they give you the same freedom to move around when you’re on the phone without being restrained by wires or cables. Read on to find out more about why you should buy a cordless phone over a corded phone.


The most obvious advantage for cordless phones is that they are not tied to one location. Corded phones have been popular for years and they can be placed in many areas of the house including the bedroom, kitchen, desk, office etc., but once they are in a specific location they can’t really be moved unless you plug the phones extension socket into another area of your house. You can use an extension lead, but these still don’t solve the underlying problem that you can’t walk around with the phone or go into a different room without unplugging the phone.

Battery Powered

BT 1700 ReviewCorded phones are not all bad. You will, for example, always know where it is and it won’t end up lost underneath a pile of clothes. Corded phones also do not rely on battery power and they will not run out of charge and power down.

Cordless phones are powered by batteries and will need to be recharged in order to work. A cordless phone can last on a single charge from around four to eight hours which is probably way more time than you’ll need for a single phone call, but it can be a bit annoying if you forget to charge your phone and then it dies in the middle of a conversation.

It really depends if you want to be able to move the phone around and not be tied to one location when you use the phone, or if you want to make phone calls that last for longer than 4-8 hours each time.

Multiple Phones

One of the perks of cordless phones is that you can often buy more than one handset (you can often buy up to six handsets in total) which will only require one phone socket. This is a good choice if you have children because it allows them to have their own phones without the need to buy them mobile phones.

These days you see four-year old’s who can use an Ipad before they can write, but that may not be the way you want to do things. Child safety is important and there are a lot of things on the internet which may not be suitable for young kids. Having their own handset gives them the freedom to call their friends from the privacy of their own rooms without the extra worry of what else they are doing, plus it is a cheaper option if you are on a budget.

Having more than one handset also allows you to transfer calls from one handset to the other which can make things more convenient. Many of these handsets will also offer additional features such as phonebook sharing, intercom (i.e. internal calls within the phone), and they may even have other features like a baby monitor option.


Both corded and cordless phones can give you better quality sound then mobile phones because mobile phones have to rely on signal strength whilst landlines do not. If your home has notoriously bad signal but you want the freedom of moving around whilst on the phone then a cordless phone may be the perfect choice for you.Gigaset C430A Cordless Phone


Cordless phones may not be mobile phones, but they may still offer handy features like speaker phone options which will allow you to use your phone hands-free, you may be able to block nuisance calls, you may want an answering machine, and you should have a caller ID option. Corded and cordless phones tend to offer many of the same features. Cordless Phones will often come with integrated answer phones.


Cordless phone offer most of the same features as a corded phone, but they have the extra advantage of allowing you to move around freely when you are on the phone and they are not tied to one location. You can also get multiple head sets if you buy a cordless phone which will allow everyone in your household to have their own phone to use in the privacy of their own room.

The one advantage that corded phones have over cordless phones is that they don’t rely on battery power so they will never run out of charge, but unless you are planning on using the phone for up to 4-8 hours in one sitting this is unlikely to be that big a problem.


Read more about Why Buy Cordless Phones Over The Corded Type on Reviewing The Best Cordless Phones.

1 comment:

  1. It really helps for me but actually, this time I am looking for Cordless Phones thanks for sharing with us.
